Community Wi-Fi Grant Program

Community Wi-Fi Grant Program

CEN Announces Public Review of Program Guidance for $10M Community Wireless (Wi-Fi) Grant Program

Hartford, CT—The Connecticut Education Network (CEN) is pleased to announce that the $10M Community Wireless (Wi-Fi) Grant Program Guidance is now available for public review and comment.

Public Participation and Comment Period

CEN values the input of its communities and stakeholders. The public review period provides an opportunity for feedback and suggestions that can help refine and improve the final program guidelines. Interested parties are encouraged to review the document in detail and submit their comments.

About the Community WiFi Program

The Community Wi-Fi program is a $10 million competitive reimbursement subgrant under the CEN Broadband Infrastructure Program, funded by the ARPA Capital Project Fund and supported by Governor Lamont’s Connecticut’s Plan for the American Rescue Plan of 2021. The program enhances internet infrastructure for work, education, health, and wellness. By leveraging the CEN infrastructure platform, the program will expand high-quality, secure, 802.11-based wireless internet access through community anchor institutions (CAIs) across Connecticut, with a focus on underserved and economically disadvantaged communities. The program also promotes the adoption of eduroam®, a global platform for secure, authenticated Wi-Fi access, further extending connectivity and support to users across institutions.  Any CAI can apply for grant funds to attach to CEN and expand high-quality and secure WiFi in their communities.  

The Program Guidance outlines critical information for applicants including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and project requirements. Key sections of the guidance cover technical specifications, risk mitigation, community impact, and sustainability plans ensuring that proposed projects not only meet current needs but are also viable in the long term.

How to Access the Program Guidance and Submit Comments:

  • The Program Guidance can be accessed via the CEN website at
  • Comments can be submitted via the CEN website or at
  • The deadline for submitting comments is 1/24/2025

About The Connecticut Education Network (CEN):

CEN is Connecticut’s premier open-access, high-capacity internet, cloud, cybersecurity, and network services provider. A mission-driven, member-focused organization, CEN operates a statewide, high-performance broadband infrastructure platform that delivers reliable, ultra-low latency, high-speed internet, and advanced technology services to community anchor institutions. Established in 2000, CEN has been a leader in advancing the capabilities of its members, ensuring equitable access to secure and dependable connectivity that supports education, research, government, digital citizenry, aggregation, and collaboration. Known for its exceptional value, performance, and personalized service, CEN is the provider of choice for organizations that demand top-tier network performance, cybersecurity, and a commitment to bridging the digital divide.

"Public input is critical to ensuring that the CEN remains responsive to the needs and concerns of our communities,” Department of Administrative Services Commissioner Michelle Gilman said. “We value every voice in this dialogue, as it helps to shape policies and initiatives that truly reflect the priorities of the people we serve. I encourage individuals and organizations to review the program guidance and offer feedback." 

‘The Community Wireless (Wi-Fi) Grant program is part of CEN’s ongoing efforts to close the digital divide and ensure equitable access to high quality broadband and the internet for our citizens.’ said Ryan Kocsondy, Executive Director of CEN. ‘ We are proud to play a role in furthering digital equity and happily seek input in this new grant program.’

For more information about the Community Wireless (Wi-Fi) Grant and other CEN initiatives, please visit, attend one of our info sessions, or contact us at

Town Council Votes to Participate in CEN Program

Town Council Votes to Participate in CEN Program

WATERTOWN — The Town Council voted to participate in the Connecticut Education Network ConneCT (CEN) program for infrastructure upgrades and expanded internet access capabilities for Town Hall during its Tuesday, February 18, 2025 meeting.

Town Manager Mark Raimo said the town currently uses Frontier at a cost of about $1100 per month, and there are some reliability issues with the service. It is not a fiber optic line.

The vote to participate in CEN followed a brief presentation on CEN and the ConneCT program by Paul Tarsa, CEN Service Manager. Mr. Tarsa explained CEN was established by the state legislature in 2000.

It is governed by the Commission for Education Technology (CET). It provides K-12 school districts, public universities, and participating municipalities and libraries with a fiber option network. It currently includes 750 members, representing an estimated $30 million in cost avoidance, he said.

CEN’s ConneCT program is currently being offered to municipalities, schools and libraries that are not presently connected to a fiber network.

There are 160 eligible entities, who, if approved for the grant of up to $100,000, would have a fiber optic line built to the specified location using the grant money. This is a limited time offer, Mr. Tarsa said, with money coming from state ARPA funds

CEN provides a minimum of 1 gig service, but can also provide 10 gigs or 100 gigs if necessary. Monthly fees are determined by the level of service being used, The lowest level of bandwidth service is presently priced at $123 monthly, plus a $35 maintenance fee.

The next highest level costs $440 per month, with a $35 maintenance fee. That is the level Mr. Tarsa feels Watertown would use in Town Hall. If the town decided to build out to other municipal locations, those locations would likely use the lower level, but grant funding may or may not be available for fiber connections depending on how many other municipalities choose to sign up under this arrangement.

Town Manager Mark Raimo said the commitment would be for 20 years. The Board of Education has been using CEN for several years and is happy with the service.

During public participation, State Rep. Joseph Polletta updated the council on his intention to try and gather support from other legislators to reverse PA 24-1, a public act that was signed into law last summer. That act provided that motor vehicles would be assessed and taxed at 85% value, rather than the previous rate of 90%.

He said he was one of the legislators who voted against PA 24-1 when it came to a vote, and he is concerned that towns such as Watertown may be losing up to $1 million in taxes on motor vehicles as a result.

PA 24-1 does not impact some municipalities in the same way, as there is still a cap on taxing motor vehicles, set at 32.46. The impact comes when a town’s mill rate is lower than the cap, as does Watertown’s.

Then, vehicles are taxed at the same rate as real estate, and now at the 85% assessment as opposed to the previous 90%.

In other action, the council agreed to have the town participate in the Regional Natural Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant Program through a partnership with the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments.

The town’s cash match amount is $5,300, with $2,632 committed to be funded in both the 2026 and 2027 fiscal years.

The council agreed to apply for a 2025 Connecticut STEAP Grant in an amount up to $1 million for the HVAC system replacement and generator for the police department. The council also agreed to fund the town’s share of the work at $142,325.72.

The council approved the appropriation of $1,136.16 from the General Fund into the Police Overtime Account, with those funds coming from the department’s participation in Homeland Security activities.

The council also appropriated $963.84 from the General Fund into the Police Overtime Account, with those funds received from the State of Connecticut DOT for Click-It-Or-Ticket enforcement.



CEN Joins Internet2’s Eduroam Support Organizations Program

Internet2’s Eduroam Support Organizations Program Expands in Two States

Internet2 recently announced that two additional state research and education (R&E) networks have joined its eduroam Support Organizations program. Connecticut Education Network (CEN) and Link Oregon have joined the program that provides anchor institutions like K–12 schools, libraries and museums access to the eduroam global WiFi roaming service. The service is now available in five states across the U.S.,according to a news release.Eduroam was developed as a worldwide roaming wireless service for the international R&E community and is currently available in more than 100 countries. The U.S. branch is operated by Internet2 and has more than 1,000 subscribing organizations that support millions of student, faculty, researchers and staff.

“The eduroam Support Organizations program is cultivating a cohort of leading organizations in the research and education network community that have the capabilities, capacity and collaborative spirit needed to contribute to the expansion of eduroam access throughout the U.S.,” said Kevin Morooney, vice president of trust and identity & NET+ cloud services at Internet2. “The unique promise of eduroam lies in its ever-increasing ubiquity. We’re over the moon about the momentum the Support Organizations are creating to bring access to all students in their states. The power of a community coming together to solve shared problems is on full display with these efforts.”
CEN and Link Oregon are the fourth and fifth Support Organizations in the U.S. to join. The other three are the Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN), the Sun Corridor Network in Arizona, and ConnectEd Nebraska. The news release explained that Support Organization participants share open information with each other, collaborate to solve joint challenges, and leverage existing networks with schools, museums and libraries to address scaling challenges and provide better wireless access. CEN and Link Oregon submitted their proposals to join in April 2022 and will participate in an on-ramp process during the next year.
“CEN is excited to become an eduroam Support Organization and continue to promote secure and seamless WiFi across Connecticut’s community anchor institutions,” said Ryan Kocsondy, director of CEN. “CEN will be building on the success of the governor’s EveryBody Learns initiative, which launched a public WiFi service during the pandemic and utilized eduroam as one of the SSIDs. CEN will partner with members of the CT Commission of Educational Technology on continued eduroam expansion, building on the pilot success at numerous public school districts and libraries.”
“Our entire team at Link Oregon is very excited to be recognized by Internet2 as the eduroam Support Organization for Oregon and to have this opportunity to extend the multiple benefits of seamless WiFi roaming to our partners in the K-12, public library and museum sectors,” said Steve Corbató, executive director of Link Oregon. “This work will leverage a successful demonstration project led by our founding member Oregon State University, together with the Linn-Benton-Lincoln Education Service District and the Albany and Corvallis School Districts.”
For more information on the eduroam Support Organizations program, visit the Internet2 wiki.
By Matt Jones

Internet2 CAP 2022 Distance Learning Scholarship Winners

Winners Announced for Internet2 Community Anchor Program’s 2022 Distance Learning Scholarship

Congratulations Connecticut Teachers!

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 28, 2022 – Internet2 today announced the winners of the 2022 Community Anchor Program (CAP) Distance Learning Scholarship to provide free, interactive distance learning experiences for K-12 classes through the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC). A total of 31 K-12 teachers across Connecticut, Illinois, New York, and North Carolina are being awarded CILC scholarships, which will directly benefit more than 1,200 students.

“We are thrilled for the opportunity to help teachers bring unique, interactive learning opportunities to their classrooms – and we are so thankful for their brave, selfless service, especially during the past two years,” said Stephanie Stenberg, Internet2 Community Anchor Program director. “This program also highlights the importance of nonprofit state and regional research and education networks, which do so much more than provide schools with lightning-fast internet connections. Their mission-driven service means that connected schools get hands-on network help and a community of interest to share resources with other connected schools, libraries, museums, and institutions.”The scholarship program was open to K-12 teachers from schools that connect to Internet2’s national network through their state or regional research and education network, which includes about 50% of all U.S. public schools. Teachers could choose from any of the over 1,900 professionally delivered programs offered through CILC, which connect students to unique subject matter, artifacts, and experiences.

Live, Interactive Learning Experiences

Cathy Shide is a teacher at St. George Elementary in Illinois, which is a member of the Illinois Century Network. For Shide, CILC’s Mathimals program with the Saint Louis Zoo is the perfect opportunity to supplement what her sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade math students are learning – from the number system, to ratios and proportionality, to equations and expressions. The program offers videos, live animals, and hands-on activities that demonstrate the importance of math in the zoo world. “I can envision using elephants’ weights to compute about how much hay an elephant would need,” Shide said. “We could extend that to water and other foods and nutrients.”

Lorrayne Bolger is a fifth-grade teacher at Roxbury Central School in New York, which is a member of NYSERNet. Bolger selected the Stewards of the Sea program to allow students to explore how essential a clean watershed is to the functioning of our planet, discover pollution sources and environmental effects, and hear stories of marine mammals that have been entangled in trash and rehabilitated. “We live in the NYC watershed, and it is important for our students to understand how our environmental decisions can impact others,” Bolger said. “They hear adults talking about watershed regulations, but they don’t truly understand what a watershed is or how it is our job to help keep it clean.”

Michelle Bibeault is the media technology integrationist at Eastford Elementary School in Connecticut, which is a member of the Connecticut Education Network. For Bibeault, the Digital Citizenship: Handle Technology With Care program will offer the school’s kindergarten and first-grade students a jumpstart on how to use technology safely and responsibly – ultimately leading them to become good digital citizens. “Many of our young learners may have a difficult time understanding the meaning of digital citizenship, depending on their exposure to different technology media,” Bibeault said. “This program will explore the meaning in a fun, interactive mode which will keep our students engaged and interested.”

Distance Learning Scholarship Winners

The 31 scholarship recipients connect to the Internet2 network via one of the following four state research and education networks: Connecticut Education Network, Illinois Century Network, NYSERNetin New York, and MCNC in North Carolina.

CT scholarship winners are listed below. Find the full list of recipients here:

# Teacher Name School Name City & State Grade(s) Connecting Research & Education Network
1 Anne Halloran Tortora Saint Bernard School Uncasville, CT 8 – 12th Grade Connecticut Education Network
2 Betty Ann LaPenna Ridge Road Elementary School North Haven, CT 1st Grade Connecticut Education Network
3 Carla DeStefanis North Haven High School North Haven, CT High School Connecticut Education Network
4 Claire Cloukey Mary E. Griswold School Berlin, CT 3rd Grade Connecticut Education Network
5 Dawn Primo Mary E. Griswold School Berlin, CT 3rd Grade Connecticut Education Network
6 Charles Kernan Eastford Elementary School Eastford, CT 5 – 8th Grade Connecticut Education Network
7 Ellie Mulligan North haven Middle School North Haven, CT Special Education Program Connecticut Education Network
8 Gary Pflomm Polk Oakville, CT 5th Grade Connecticut Education Network
9 Julie Prescott Chippens Hill Middle School Bristol, CT 8th Grade Connecticut Education Network
10 Lisa Wasylean Mary E. Griswold Elementary School Berlin, CT 3rd Grade Connecticut Education Network
11 Louise Morrison Thompson Middle School North Grosvenordale, CT 6th Grade Connecticut Education Network
12 Lynn Erickson Stafford Elementary School Stafford Springs, CT 1st Grade Connecticut Education Network
13 Megan Dill Eastford Elementary School Eastford, CT 4th Grade Connecticut Education Network
14 Michelle Bibeault Eastford Elementary School Eastford, CT Kindergarten and 1st Grade Connecticut Education Network
15 Rhiannon Scioscio Mary E. Griswold School Berlin, CT 3rd Grade Connecticut Education Network



The Everybody Learns Initiative Benefits Willimantic Public Library

How expanding broadband internet access benefits Willimantic community

It’s National Digital Inclusion Week!

Visit this link to learn more about the benefits of the Everybody Learns project:

WILLIMANTIC, Conn. (WTNH) – Places like the Willimantic Public Library quickly became hubs for free broadband internet access during the pandemic. Even helping out kids who couldn’t do their homework at home.

“They were literally sitting next to libraries or places where they could get an internet connection,” said Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz, (D) Connecticut.

The first free WiFi was provided inside the library and then using pandemic relief money through the state’s Everybody Learns Initiative an outside hotspot was added. There will be 200 statewide.

“A big portion of the people coming in especially right now are coming in to access the WiFi,” said Willimantic Public Library Director Dan Paquette.

An effort the governor wants to continue to expand.

“They’ll pull the cable out to that home right here on Main Street it’s sort of easy but for folks who live sort of remote we got to work harder,” said Gov. Ned Lamont, (D) Connecticut.

The state also wants people to be aware of the help that is out there now like the Emergency Broadband Benefit which may provide $50 a month toward most internet bills.

“There’s an income cap of I believe it’s $99,000 a year for an individual. $198,000 for a couple so it’s pretty generous,” said Doug Casey, Executive Director of the CT Commission on Educational Technology.

But Congressman Joe Courtney, (D) Connecticut, says those programs will only continue if congress agrees again to raise the debt limit so the country can pay its bills.

“Last week the house sent a bill to the senate. It is exactly verbatim the same as the bill that was passed in the last Congress with the prior president that he signed into law that raised the debt limit,” said Rep. Courtney.

The library also has eleven mobile hotspots people can check out for three weeks at a time. They provide internet access on the go.

“Since we started offering those in May they’ve almost pretty much always been checked out fully,” aid Paquette.

A project he’d like to expand if the government continues to fund the programs which were already approved.

“We should stop torturing people,” said Rep. Courtney.

For more information, head to

CAP Distance Learning Scholarship Recipient Uses CEN Connection To Bring Life To Weather Unit

Connecticut Teacher Brings Wonder to Weather with CAP Distance Learning Scholarship

Sixth graders at Thompson Middle School in Connecticut were amazed that the weather in their hometown was warmer than in Texas where their presenter was logging in. Examining why Texas would be colder than Connecticut in the middle of March acted as the spark and guiding force for students as they worked with Don Harrington from the Discovery Center in Amarillo, Texas to learn how and why weather is created.


As a recipient of the Internet2 Community Anchor Program Distance Learning Scholarship and through her school’s connection to the Connecticut Education Network (CEN), Louise Morrison, a veteran teacher of 21 years, was able to bring her Weather Unit to life in a unique way with a live, interactive, edu-tainment program offered through the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC).

The Virtual Science Live! Weather Wonders Program from the Discovery Center used dynamic demonstrations and experiments to illustrate the different conditions that are necessary to create clouds, precipitation, lightning, thunder, tornadoes, and other weather phenomena. For example, one of the experiments allowed students to explore the various atmospheric elements and how they combine by making snow.

Morrison shares that the live experiments were incredibly exciting for her students: “My students were completely engaged for the entire program and continued to talk about the experiments for several days afterwards.” Emphasizing the value of students reviewing key content with an expert, she explains, “I was able to enhance my students’ learning through this program. It not only allowed my students to meet and learn from a female scientist but also hear the key points of weather from an expert perspective.” With all the content aligned to National Next Generation Science Standards standards, the program fit “perfectly” into their unit on weather science.

As a recipient of CAP’s Distance Learning Scholarship, Morrison was able to utilize her school’s connection to the Connecticut Education Network (CEN) to participate in the program free of cost. “I would absolutely recommend CILC to other teachers. The experience was great for my students, they were able to see experiments that we wouldn’t be able to do in our classroom. It was an opportunity that they would not have been able to experience any other way.”

Offered annually, the Internet2 Community Anchor Program’s scholarship program supported 38 K-12 teachers in seven states to implement free, one-on-one distance learning programs for their class through the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC). All recipients connect to the Internet2 network via their state or regional research and education network, which provides the robust internet connection needed for live, interactive virtual programs.

About Connecticut Education Network (CEN):

The CEN was established in 2000 with an important mission: ensure that students across the state have access to great technology and content on a network that will grow with them. CEN provides advanced Internet and network solutions that are faster and more reliable than any other provider. Since 2001, CEN has operated and managed a 2500 route mile, all optical, high performance, low latency network.

Students at Thompson Middle School in Connecticut are able to experience their weather unit in a unique way with a live, interactive, edu-tainment program offered through the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC).

From the Director: Summer Newsletter 2021

Ryan Kocsondy
CEN Director

I hope we are all taking a sigh of relief as we put what may be the most challenging academic and calendar years behind us.  It may be hard to describe recent events sometimes, but some of our pandemic go-to phrases may suffice: ‘unprecedented’, ‘transformative’, ‘we’re in this together’, ‘wash your hands’, ‘new normal’, ‘virtual <insert any word here>’, and last but not least ‘you’re on mute’.  Whew, thank goodness that is out of the way.

As everyone has dealt with the pandemic in their own way, we have a chance to look back at what has been a crazy and hectic year for education, work, play, stress, rest, relaxation, and just life in general.  Some recent successes:

The return of the CEN Annual Conference, where we and more than 420 attendees participated in the three-day online event.  We received lots of positive feedback, mostly due to the awesome content and insights provided, vetted, and delivered by our community.  We look forward to seeing new proposals and returning to an in-person event on May 5, 2022 at the Hartford Convention Center.

The CEN community continues to grow. With more than 650 community anchor institutions participating in the Network, we also took the opportunity to give back through a 2% rate reduction starting July 1, 2021.  The reduction in rates and continued high quality service model help deliver on our primary goal of ‘Provide Value’ in our community driven CEN Strategic Plan implemented in 2019.

CEN technical staff are as busy as ever rolling out The Governor’s Everyone Learns Initiative WiFi locations in partnership with our community members. The Hub Site Upgrades project is well underway, rolling out additional 100G capacity to our busiest backbones and improving visibility, telemetry, and security of the CEN broadband infrastructure.

The CEN community has performed well overall and helped position Connecticut as a leader in the pandemic response.  The physical network sustained the new demands of remote and hybrid learning, work, and telemedicine. The ‘human network’ has also really proven its resiliency, reliability, and flexibility to get things done and make the best of the situation.

This summer will hopefully prove to be relaxing for most, as we all try and get some much-needed time to rejuvenate and work on projects and tasks on the near horizon.

Kudos and a big THANK YOU to all the IT professionals and leaders out there helping it all come together.


Happy Summer everyone,

Ryan Kocsondy


CT Libraries Fiber Consortium Project: Summer Newsletter 2021

In February 2016, the CT State Library established a statewide buying consortium so that all principal public libraries and their branches in the state could use one RFP for the purchase of fiber. Efficient broadband capacity is extremely important in terms of accessibility. As opposed to other technologies like DSL or a cable modem, a fiber connection offers almost unlimited capacity, making it the technology of choice for this project.

The library community has taken a leadership role by partnering with CEN to bring high speed internet connectivity to all citizens regardless of where they reside through federal E-rate and matching State Library bonded funds. CEN provides an enhanced network solution that increases the libraries total bandwidth and also addresses burst performance. Many of the project sites connect underserved communities where connectivity options have remained relatively unchanged for decades.

Since 2017, the State Library Board has approved a total of $1.5M in fiber grants. New high-speed fiber internet connections have been completed to 75 libraries. This has expanded the ability of each library to more effectively reach their constituents and bring on-line more services needed by the community of users. This project not only provides high quality service at reasonable costs, but bridges gaps in the digital divide and helps libraries continue to thrive as community assets.

The project is currently in phase 7 as outlined below:

  • Phases 1-6: 75 sites completed
  • Phase 7: Awarded on January 14, 2021. 5 committed and moving forward
  • The current project across all phases (1–7) will bring total fiber-connected libraries to 171 (including 47 branches), representing 72% of all 239 libraries statewide

CEN Partners with National Research & Education Network, Internet2, to Provide Eduroam Service to Members

Wireless Roaming Network Expands with Support for K–12 Schools at State and Regional Levels

CEN Partners with National Research & Education Network, Internet2, to Provide Eduroam Service to Members

Nonprofit Internet2 has been working with state and regional agencies to help accelerate the spread of eduroam into K–12 schools, libraries and museums, resulting in the launch of eduroam Support Organizations.

eduroam is a worldwide WiFi roaming network developed for academic and research institutions. The aim of the new eduroam Support Organizations launched after an initial pilot involving 38 K–12 districts in Utah in 2020. Initial eduroam Support Organizations include the Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN), Network Nebraska and Arizona’s Sun Corridor Network.

“Our Utah K-12 eduroam program made network access and education resources readily available during the pandemic and showed off this robust and sustainable platform in both urban and rural deployments,” said Jim Stewart, chief technology officer for UETN, in a prepared statement. “We’ve enjoyed a long collaboration with Internet2 and eduroam since this service was initially implemented by Utah universities several years ago.”

According to Internet2, “eduroam is a secure, world-wide wireless roaming service developed for the international research and education community and is available in over 100 countries. In the US, more than 900 institutions have deployed eduroam and have made the offering available to their staff, students, faculty, and researchers. Unlike public WiFi, an eduroam user can quickly and seamlessly authenticate to eduroam WiFi with a single, secure credential. The eduroam user’s device can automatically connect when visiting eduroam-enabled schools, libraries, museums, and other participating institutions. This is particularly important for students who live in rural areas where broadband access is limited, or who have inadequate or no access to broadband at home.”

[Read More]

This information was published in The Journal, By David Nagel

CEN Partners with Norwich Public Utilities to Offer Free High-Speed Public Wi-Fi Access

Norwich Public Utilities to Install Free Public Internet Hot Spots in City Neighborhoods

CEN Partners with Members to Offer Free High-Speed Public Wi-Fi Access

Norwich — In spring of 2020, city and school leaders scrambled to provide internet access with individual so-call hot spots for homes and apartments for families in need and a few scattered larger units at public sites.

The city’s network of free internet access is about to get much broader.

Norwich Public Utilities officials this week unveiled a plan in partnership with the Connecticut Education Network to bring free high-speed, high-capacity public Wi-Fi to more than a dozen locations in the city. Many will be placed in densely populated neighborhoods identified by school officials as high need areas. Others will be at or near public buildings or parks, where residents and students could go to connect and download school assignments or submit completed schoolwork.

John Covey, information technology manager for NPU, said the project is being spearheaded by CEN in 107 cities and towns across the state to provide high-speed devices at no cost to the community for one year. In Norwich, the devices will be turned over to NPU after that period, and NPU will continue the free service, Covey said.

These are not in-home Wi-Fi hotspots or routers, Covey said. He compared the difference as a kitchen faucet for the home device to a fire hydrant for the public devices, which are about the size of a laptop with antenna attached. Each one is powerful enough to serve about two urban blocks and about 100 connections at a time.

NPU initially received eight devices from the state, and CEN provided five additional units at no cost.

Locations had to be chosen along the NPU’s current fiber optic network, which was installed to serve NPU, city government buildings and city schools.

The 13 sites include several locations downtown and in Greeneville, including Boswell Avenue-Hickory Street, Central Avenue-North Main Street, 12th Street-Central Avenue, Boswell Avenue-North Main Street, Lake Street-Boswell Avenue and the NPU headquarters and customer service center in Greeneville.

Units will be placed at the Howard T. Brown Memorial Park at Norwich Harbor, at City Hall, the Rose City Senior Center, police department and Otis Library. The device at Otis Library is installed already, Covey said.

Covey projected installations will begin in mid-July and will be in place by the start of next school year.

The devices alone cost about $5,000 each, but installation could run as high as $10,000 to $15,000 per site, depending on the amount of infrastructure is needed. NPU will cut the cost by using only areas already along the utility’s fiber optic network and where infrastructure exists to hang the devices — such as on existing poles or public buildings or where the city already has public security cameras. NPU line crews will do the installations on their regular work time, NPU officials said.

“This is a terrific service we are going to be able to provide for a big chunk of the community,” NPU spokesman Chris Riley said. “A no-cost service NPU will be able to provide to the community.”

Norwich Human Services Director Lee Ann Gomes, who worked last spring to secure in-home internet connections and devices throughout the city when the pandemic hit, welcomed the project.

“The pandemic showed how divided we are as a community, with people with and without internet access,” Gomes said. “People couldn’t apply for unemployment or even order toilet paper. People were going to parking lots to hook up to Wi-Fi.”

The new Wi-Fi devices will offer two connection choices. The CT Public access will be a “one-click” connection. The second connection, Eduroam, will allow students to use their authorized passwords to sign into their specific schools to download their assignments, submit classwork or interact with their schools.

The Wi-Fi devices will have filters to prohibit access to pornography, gambling sites or the purchase of alcohol or drugs. But everyday shopping will be allowed, Covey said.

NFA spokesman Michael O’Farrell said the school provided data to NPU on where dense populations of students in need of the service live in Norwich. NPU correlated that information with the nearest available infrastructure to hang the devices.

If students do not live in those immediate neighborhoods, they can drive or ride bicycles to the area, sign in and download assignments or submit completed work. NFA has a similar device for school and staff only on the Tirrell Building on campus.

“We’re trying to have an effective system,” O’Farrell said. “In terms of access and breaking down barriers, it’s a tool and a significant tool to do that.”

[Read More]

This information was published in The Day, By Claire Bessette