Internet2 CAP Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations Connecticut Teachers!
The CEN team would like to extend our congratulations to the 13 Connecticut teachers who were awarded the Distance Learning Scholarship from Internet2’s CAP program! These scholarship winners will receive free, one-on-one, distance learning programs for their class through the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC).
With 14 awards, Connecticut’s teachers led the way in this national competition, illustrating their commitment to enriching student’s education with new programming in these challenging times. Kirstina Frazier from Andover Elementary School describes her plans, “I want my students to gain a greater appreciation for the people and cultures from around the world through traditional storytelling and instruments.” Kirstina selected the Exploring the Continents with Story and Song program to allow her first to third grade students the opportunity to gain an appreciation and understanding of the world around them.
About the scholarships:
- 38 teachers won 39 total scholarships (one teacher got 2 for different classes)
- Over 1600 students will benefit from the scholarships across the U.S.
- Winning teachers came from schools that connected to 7 different R&E networks: Connecticut Education Network, Iowa Communications Network, Illinois Century Network, KanREN, NYSERNet, OARnet, and OneNet.
- Each teacher will receive a free one-on-one interactive online course of their choosing from the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC). These one-on-one courses usually cost between $84 and $336 each.
Read the full Internet2 press release here including the full list of Internet2 Distance Learning Scholarship Winners.