Security Services
Security Services
All CEN members are vulnerable to ever-increasing cyber security threats. CEN has and continues to invest in network security services to help protect members’ operations, critical infrastructure, sensitive data, and their reputations.
Unlike most other ISPs, many of CEN’s security services are included at no additional cost to members, providing additional value and peace of mind. Learn more about our security offerings below.

In October 2018, CEN became Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) certified. MANRS is a global initiative, supported by the Internet Society, that increases overall network security and provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats including filtering, Anti-spoofing, Coordination, and Global validation. Joining MANRS means joining a community of security-minded organizations committed to making the global routing infrastructure more robust and secure, and it is an initiative where CEN can provide leadership through action for the directly connected community as well as alongside research and education networks nationally.