Blue, orange, and yellow circles with text in them that reads: Mission, Values, and Vision



CEN will serve as the trusted partner through which Connecticut’s digital and human networks connect, collaborate, and share resources to realize the full potential of digital learning, research, and citizenry.


Empower our member institutions to execute their missions through technology, collaboration, and digital transformation with secure, reliable, and value-added advanced network and Internet solutions.



Member Focus Provide a member focus that offers unmatched value through a unique appreciation of member needs as a true trusted partner based on a not-for-profit model.
Transparency Be open in our processes, communication, and sharing of information to the membership and related stakeholder groups.
Integrity Be honest and forthright in every way and consistent in our approach to doing the right things the right way.
Efficiency Provide sustainable services efficiently and flexibly, using available resources.
Equity Provide high-quality resources and products to all members for the benefit and growth of the statewide connected community.
Excellence Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, flexibility, accountability, and superior member outcomes.

View the CEN five year strategic plan