Everybody Learns Wi-Fi Initiative Program End
End of Everybody Learns WiFi Initiative – Your Response is Needed
After two successful years, the Everybody Learns WiFi Initiative is coming to an end and subsidized support for the wireless access points will cease as of December 31, 2022. Thank you for your partnership in serving as a host for this program. Options for equipment next steps are provided below, and your response is required by October 15, 2022. Please respond by completing this form:
The Everybody Learns WiFi Initiative helped tens of thousands of students and adults connect to free, high-quality WiFi through the pandemic to engage in remote learning, telehealth, and state and municipal services. The program’s success hinged on the trusted CEN community partnerships and is a testament to the community’s willingness to step up and help during a crisis. In addition, the efficacy of the program paved the way for additional ARPA funds to be used in a similar manner.
Next Steps
Participating members have the following options to consider for completing the transition of service before December 31, 2022. Options are available in the form response. CEN Member Services will follow-up based on your input. Non response will default to option 1. Options include:
Claim licensing and self-manage the Cisco Meraki access point moving forward.
Remove and return the access point to CEN. We will find a new home for it at another member location. (Member will be responsible for the return costs)
Subscribe to the CEN Managed WiFi Service and we’ll continue to manage it for you.
Adopt Eduroam
Those who prefer to manage their own or continue with CEN Managed WiFi are strongly encouraged to resume the eduroam service. The eduroam service has had high rates of utilization and is growing quickly; details are available here, https://ctedunet.net/everybodylearnswifiinitiative/. CEN will subsidize the licensing of eduroam for K12 and library members, more details here, https://ctedunet.net/eduroam/. eduroam is a secure WiFI authentication platform used at educational institutions throughout Connecticut and worldwide. The CEN team is working with our members to help ensure everyone has an opportunity to take advantage of this excellent approach to closing the digital divide.
Reach & Impact
Frequently Asked Questions - End of Everybody Learns Initiative
Who owns the access point?
The host institution owns the access point as it was installed 2 years ago. This includes the access point, cabling, and enclosure. Please refer to the original language where the AP was described as ‘donated to the participating partner location’: https://ctedunet.net/everybodylearnswifiinitiative/
How does this impact bandwidth?
- Bandwidth generated from the AP would be included in the member’s overall bandwidth; the majority have little to no impact on overall bandwidth.
- Bandwidth utilization stats on each location are here for reference: https://snappportal.net.cen.ct.gov/grafana/d/000000002/cen-members?orgId=2&var-Member=CTPublicWiFi&var-Interface=All&var-aggregation=average
How much does it cost for CEN to manage?
- CEN Managed Wi-Fi costs $15 per month per access point.
- Members will need to renew their Meraki license in approximately 3 years.
- Approximate cost for the Meraki renewal is about $100 per year, per access point.
- Benefits of CEN Managed Wi-Fi are shown here: https://ctedunet.net/managed-wifi/
- If interested, please contact us at getconnected@cteducation.net
What is our usage (how many people use it)?
- Send a request to getconnected@cteducation.net, and we will send you a custom report.
- Reports can also be automated and sent to the person managing the service.
What are the steps to physically uninstall devices?
- Members own the device already and are responsible for the removal.
- Members can work with their local facilities personnel or obtain a quote from their IT consultant directly. CEN has no funding from the state to do this.
Can we just keep our devices installed and not use them?
Yes, since the device is already member owned, it is your choice to keep it in place and simply disconnect it. If this is the case, please let CEN know so we can remove the configs and monitoring.
Is it required to ship our devices back if we do not want to continue using the devices?
No, however, if you would like to donate them to a fellow CEN member, we will find a good home for them. In this case, the member is responsible for the cost of shipping or delivering the devices to CEN, 55 Farmington Ave, Hartford CT 06105.
Why should we keep using eduroam?
- eduroam allows students, faculty, and staff from participating learning institutions to securely connect to the Internet at any location simply by opening their computing devices.
- To learn more visit: https://ctedunet.net/eduroam/
- CEN will subsidize eduroam licensing fees for participating K-12 and library member organizations. Please reach out to getconnected@ctedunet.net to continue use.
- This is an excellent way to run a secure guest Wi-Fi service, and it comes with great reporting.
- To continue eduroam use, the member will need to sign a CEN/ Internet2 eduroam Connector Agreement.