DDoS Fast-Flood Enhancement
DDoS Fast-Flood Enhancement
Fast-Flood detection reduces the time for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) detection and mitigation. The service also provides alerts when attacks start and a summary report when the attack is over.
Program Overview 
- 30 organizations of various sizes invited for feature testing
- Part of a 7-month pilot period to help introduce the new feature and tune policies
- Member feedback on service efficacy utilized prior to enabling network wide
- Quicker recognition (detection) and remediation (mitigation) of DDoS attacks
- Reduces the average time of 30 seconds for detection and 60-90 seconds for mitigation start, to as little as 1 second detection and less than 30 seconds for mitigation start
- Enhances effectiveness of all types of attacks: volumetric, protocol and application
- Detection on incoming and outbound attacks
- Reporting on attack start and summary report on completion
Use Cases
- DDoS protection ensuring availability and connectivity through attacks
- Part of a layered security for border protections
- Enhancement on existing hyper granular mitigation service
- Always on for peace of mind