CEN Connect- Charter Schools
For all Connecticut public charter schools who are not yet connected to CEN, this project provides them the opportunity to benefit from a fully funded fiber build to connect their school to CEN and obtain access to the full range of products, services, and K-12 community resources and events that distinguish CEN from all other Connecticut Internet service providers.
Learn more about the project benefits, eligibility, timelines, and next steps below.
Who is eligible?
Connecticut charter schools authorized by the State Board of Education, https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Charter-Schools/Charter-Schools, that are not yet connected to CEN or are connected to CEN.
These schools include:
- Booker T. Washington Academy
- Capital Prep Harbor School
- Capital Prep Harbor Charter School-Lower School Campus
- Elm City Montessori School
- Elm City College Preparatory - Elementary School
- Great Oaks Charter School
- New Beginnings Family Academy
- Jumoke Academy Charter Schools
- Jumoke Academy Honors Middle School
- Jumoke Academy Honors at the Hartford Conservatory
- Stamford Charter School for Excellence
- Park City Prep Charter School
- Brass City Charter School
- Achievement First Bridgeport Academy Elementary School
- Amistad Academy - High School
- Elm City College Preparatory - Middle School